Petteril Vale: Where city and countryside meet

Part of project: Access to Eden: breaking barriers, building bridges

This community-driven urban river restoration project will put the wiggles back in this straightened river. With the potential for other habitat improvement such as ponds, invasive non-native species removal and native tree planting, once complete, this area will be home to a wider diversity of wildlife and be a much more welcoming  place for the community to visit. There will be a programme of walks and activities to encourage local people to rediscover the river. Interpretation and resources will be developed that link to the waymarked trails and encourage exploration of the natural heritage beyond the life of the project.

Spring / Summer 2024 Activities

  • We provided the inspiration for Harry, an enterprising nine year old from Carlisle, to kick one of Cumbria’s non-native invasive species (INNS) into touch and raise £500 for new kit and equipment for his team, Gillford Park FC under 10’s! Read more>
  • Worked with Year 6 at Petteril Vale Primary School in connection with the Petteril Valley project. Over a 6-week period, the children spent time getting to know and care about the river valley and understand the issue that needs addressing.
  • They worked with ERT to create a whole-school assembly, which took the form of a news report and included a couple of short films created down by the river. The children surprised staff by electing to enter their school’s education Trust’s ‘Innovation Award – which is essentially a Dragon’s Den style award, creating an Eco-Design company (to help protect the environment) and formally presenting their ideas to a panel of judges – and they won!
  • Their school assembly was attended by 20 family members (unheard of) and filmed and shown at a subsequent Community Discovery Day.
  • We held a Balsam bashing event on site working with local volunteers to tackle this invasive species.

In pictures…

This project is supported by the Access to Eden: breaking barriers, building bridges partnership project led by Eden Rivers Trust with a grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

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