The plug plants (over 7000!!) that we put in at Whale over the last couple of years have now grown up and are flourishing, adding diversity and a touch of colour to the habitat and supporting a fantastic range of native species. We are aiming to repeat this effect on two new sites just down the road at Brampton and will again be hosting an Outward Bound group to help us kickstart the planting.
All ages – under 18s must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
When: Thursday 19 September 10am – 3.30pm
Where to meet: Near Bampton. You’ll need to contact us to attend this event. We will send you more accurate location details when we have confirmed your places. Please get in touch to register your interest at or call our office on 01768 866788.
Bringing a community group? Please get in touch with Jenni Payne, Volunteer and Community Outreach Coordinator as soon as possible on 01768 866788 or email her at so that we know how many people to expect, can ensure that any reasonable adjustments are made, have enough equipment and ensure that your group gets the most from the event!
Queries? Please get in touch with us at or call our office on 01768 866788.