Supporters’ Day 2023

Date: Saturday 17 June | 10 am - 4 pm | Newbiggin Village Hall, Penrith

Supporters Day umage

We warmly invite you to join us for our annual get-together to celebrate the people and projects that are making Eden’s rivers better places for people and wildlife.

It’s a packed day of talks and trips that will give you an insight into the work being done by ourselves and our partners to enhance and protect rivers in this part of the Eden catchment.

Lunch and refreshments are provided.

Tickets to our Supporters’ Day are FREE as we want to make this day accessible to everyone.

If you would like to help towards the costs of making this day possible, there is an option to make a donation when you book your ticket(s) – thank you for your support.

If you have any queries, or additional requirements (such as mobility/access) please get in touch with us on 01768 866788 or at

Places are limited, book yours now by clicking on the button to order yours via our event page on Eventbrite.

Bookings close 08 June 2023


Join us at Newbiggin Village Hall to hear from ERT staff about some of the main issues our rivers are facing and what we (and you) can do to help! Members of the team will be on hand throughout the day to talk about our work and answer your questions over a brew or lunch!

Then, we’re delighted to hand over to our keynote speaker, broadcaster, Helen Millican. Her Thursday night show, “The Great Outdoors” is a firm favourite with listeners to BBC Radio Cumbria, and we’re delighted that Helen is bringing her knowledge and love of the outdoors to ERT’s Supporters Day.

After lunch,  you’ll get the chance to go on one of six field trips in the local area that includes projects led by our staff or our partners plus other great projects celebrating and protecting Eden’s natural heritage that we think you’d enjoy!

Afternoon field trips

1. Return to the river

Take a trip back to Thrimby Grange to see how our major river restoration project, completed in 2020 as part of the Environment Agency-led Cumbrian River Restoration Strategy Programme, has matured and developed over the last three years.

2. Discover the roots (and branches) of Eden’s community tree nursery

Visit our new accessible community tree nursery in the heart of Penrith; see the progress so far and find out our plans for the future. Get stuck in with some practical tasks (and you don’t need to be green-fingered!) … from potting up a young sapling or planting a green roof for our water butts to making a bug hotel, there’ll be tree-mendous options on offer!

3. Newbiggin Village Springs walk 

Why does a line of springs run through Newbiggin village? Join Dr Alan Rich for a stroll through the village and discover their fascinating social and natural history.

4. River dipping: get up close to the smallest of Eden’s amazing creatures 

Take a ‘dip’ and ‘dive’ into the world of the riverbed to investigate the bedrock of the river ecosystem – the little things that live within the riverbed! Learn the kick-sampling technique to discover who’s hiding beneath the surface and their place in a healthy ecosystem.

5. Explore Eycott Hill

Join Kevin Scott from Cumbria Wildlife Trust for a guided walk of this site of special scientific interest (SSI). As you walk, take in the wonderful views of a mosaic of upland habitats including moorland, flower-rich meadows and wetlands that create a fabulous, varied home for wildlife.

6. Water and nature-friendly farming at West Brownrigg 

On this visit, you’ll get an insight into how the farm has embraced public and private funding to make environmental improvements alongside building a resilient business that embraces diversification … and the challenges this presents when the farm supports a number of valuable habitats and is partly SSSI (lowland heath, fen and bog) with some rare spaghnum mosses, great crested newts, adders and red squirrels present.

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