7 – 8.30pm. Refreshments from 6.30pm.
Join us at Dufton Village Hall to find out more about the native wildlife that makes the Eden Valley so special … and the deadly invaders that are threatening their survival.
Dave Greaves, ERT’s Habitat and Species Lead will share some fascinating facts about our native species, and the devastation that non-native invasive species (INNS) such as Himalayan balsam and American signal crayfish can have on their populations.
Jenni Payne, ERT’s Volunteer and Community Outreach Coordinator will talk about the great work volunteers and local communities have undertaken in the Eden catchment to control or eradicate these invasive species. She’ll share some hints and tips on how you can do your bit to drive out these alien invaders.
If you’re passionate about seeing Eden’s native species thrive and want to know more about how you can protect our native wildlife, then this talk is for you!
Book your place at our Eventbrite event page: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/view-from-the-riverbank-deadly-invaders-species-threatening-our-wildlife-tickets-891125629747
Photo: American signal crayfish by Ben Lamb